21-24 July 2025
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Registration Fee

The fee covers: coffee breaks, lunches and conference materials.


  • PoToR members: 800 PLN
  • Students: 800 PLN
  • Other participants: 1100 PLN

The current PLN/EUR exchange rate: link


15th May 2025

Banking details

You should pay the fee by a transfer to the following account, setting the currency of payment as PLN (Polish zloty):

Account owner: Uniwersity of Wroclaw
Account number (within Poland): 58109025030000000114349402
IBAN: PL58109025030000000114349402
Bank name and address: Santander Bank Polska S.A.,
ul. Kuźnicza 17/19, 50-950 Wrocław
Title of the transfer: POTOR11 <full name of a participant>

The payment must be made after approval of the registration and before the given deadline.

Financial support

Limited support is expected to be available for waiving the fee for students and PhD candidates upon request, accompanied by a recommendation letter from their academic supervisor.

We encourage young researchers to apply for the potential support to cover the fee, travel, or local expenses through the COST Action networks. Eligible networks include CA21136 and CA23130.

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