This ChETEC COST Action CA16117 training school is held jointly with the 55th edition of the Karpacz Winter School of Theoretical Physics. The event is organized by the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the University of Wroclaw, Poland, and by the Nuclear Astrophysics group of the Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), Germany. The meeting takes place in the light of the very first observation of the gravitational wave signal GW170817 that originated from a binary neutron star merger.
- Explosive astrophysical phenomena – the physics of supernovae and neutron star mergers
- Astrophysical messenger – neutrinos, gravitational waves and gamma-rays
- Nuclear astrophysics experiments
The goal of this Winter School is to educate the next generation of young scientists in the field of nuclear astrophysics and related topics. The scientific tools and methods, which are the focus of this training school, are at the current frontier of this truly interdisciplinary field of research.
The school is composed of a series of lectures and traineeships. The latter involve computer practice. Therfore, it is required to bring laptops with the appropriate software, which will be announced later. The trainees will work together with the lectureres on scientific problems, familiarize with modern numerical methods and implementations as well as numerical solutions. They will collect, analyze and fit as well as familiarize with the handling of big data.
The activities of this school are particularly related to trainees associated with the WG2 (Modelling pipelines connecting nuclear processes to astronomical observables) of the ChETEC COST Action. We target up to 28 ECIs (early career investigators), i.e. Ph.D. students and young post-docs up to 8-years after Ph.D. – ChETEC will cover all costs for the approved participants. The selection of the candidates will be done in two steps:
- Registration on this site, providing data on affiliation and a letter of recommendation from the Ph.D. advisor or equivalent senior scientist.
- After selection by the organizers, the proposed candidates are submitted to ChETEC for final approval.
NOTE: It is requested from the approved candidates to participate the entire period of the training school, otherwise COST support will be cancelled.