Outline of Scientific Programme
The 5th Conference of the of the Polish Society on Relativity will consist of two parts, devoted, respectively, to classical and quantum gravity.
The first part will cover mathematical structures in classical gravity, exact solutions of Einstein equations, physics of black holes, cosmological models, alternative models of gravity, and the research related to the recent detection of gravitational waves.
The second part will be devoted to discussion of basic tools of quantum gravity and noncommutative geometry, in particular quantum space-times, quantum phase spaces and quantum symmetries. We will consider quantum gravity models e.g. LQG (loop quantum gravity), matrix models and discretized approach to Feynman description of quantized gravity and new approaches to string theory.
We will focus on the following subjects:
- Properties of Einstein's equations and exact solutions.
- Numerical methods in solving Einstein equations.
- Black holes: formalism and properties.
- Relativistic astrophysics: cosmology and dark matter/dark energy problem.
- Gravitational waves: theory and experiment.
- Quantum space-times and quantum symmetries.
- Noncommutative geometries and quantum gravity framework.
- Models of quantum gravity: Loop Quantum Gravity.
- Models of quantum gravity: functional integration approach, e.g. CDT (Causal Dynamical Triangulations)
- Quantum gravity and development in superstring theory (metastrings).
Website: http://ift.uni.wroc.pl/~potor5/
Venue: Pałac Wojanów
When: 24 - 27th September 2018 (arrival day 23rd September)
Registration: is now closed (since 15th August); for the late registration please send an email to potor5@ift.uni.wroc.pl to be placed on the waiting list
Timetable: Timetable.pdf (final version)
Book of Abstracts: Book-of-Abstracts.pdf (final version)
Institutional Organizers
- University of Wroclaw (Rectors office, Faculty of Physics and Astronomy)
- Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw UW
- Jagiellonian University
Supporting Institutions
Main organizer
- Division of Fundamental Interactions Theory, Field Theory and Quantum Structures of Spacetime, Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Wroclaw
Webpage prepared by: Remigiusz Durka