EMMI Workshop at the University of Wrocław - Aspects of Criticality II

from Tuesday, 2 July 2024 (09:00) to Thursday, 4 July 2024 (20:45)
University of Wrocław (Aula Leopoldina)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
2 Jul 2024
3 Jul 2024
4 Jul 2024
Conference Opening (until 09:15) (Aula Leopoldina)
09:00 prof. Peter Braun-Munzinger - Scientific Director of EMMI/GSI   (Aula Leopoldina)
09:05 prof. Robert Olkiewicz - Rector of the University of Wrocław   (Aula Leopoldina)
09:10 Prof. Michał Tomczak - Dean of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy   (Aula Leopoldina)
Session - Frithjof Karsch (until 10:45) (Aula Leopoldina)
09:15 Heavy flavor spectra from the hydrodynamically expanding QGP - Johanna Stachel   (Aula Leopoldina)
09:45 Search for the QCD Criticality in RHIC Beam Energy Scan Program - Nu Xu (LBNL)   (Aula Leopoldina)
10:15 QCD phase diagram and Lee-Yang edge singularities - Christian Schmidt (Bielefeld University)   (Aula Leopoldina)
Coffee Break (until 11:15) (Aula Leopoldina)
Session - Frithjof Karsch (until 12:45) (Aula Leopoldina)
11:15 Ideas of Confinement from Coulomb Gauge QCD - Pok Man Lo (University of Wroclaw)   (Aula Leopoldina)
11:45 Stiffening of matter in quark-hadron continuity - Toru Kojo   (Aula Leopoldina)
12:15 Quarkyonic or baryquark matter? - Volker Koch   (Aula Leopoldina)
Session - Johanna Stachel (until 10:45) (Aula Leopoldina)
09:15 Quark Matter at High Baryon Density, Conformality and Quarkyonic Matter - Larry McLerran (INT, University of Washington)   (Aula Leopoldina)
09:45 Curvature of the energy per particle in neutron stars - Michał Marczenko (University of Wrocław)   (Aula Leopoldina)
10:15 QCD Phase Diagram and Astrophysical Implications - Kenji Fukushima   (Aula Leopoldina)
Coffee Break (until 11:15) (Aula Leopoldina)
Session - Johanna Stachel (until 12:45) (Aula Leopoldina)
11:15 Light Nuclei and Exotic States production in HIC - Peter Braun-Munzinger (EMMI/GSI)   (Aula Leopoldina)
11:45 Light-nuclei production in pp and pA collisions in the baryon canonical ensemble - Natasha Sharma   (Aula Leopoldina)
12:15 Unified approach to spin hydrodynamics - Wojciech Florkowski   (Aula Leopoldina)
Session - Nu Xu (LBNL) (until 10:45) (Aula Leopoldina)
09:15 The imprint of conservation laws on correlated particle - Anar Rustamov   (Aula Leopoldina)
09:45 Proton cumulants from hydrodynamics in light of new STAR data - Volodymyr Vovchenko   (Aula Leopoldina)
10:15 Finite size effects on the critical endpoint and conserved charge fluctuations - Győző Kovács   (Aula Leopoldina)
Coffee Break (until 11:15) (Aula Leopoldina)
Session - Nu Xu (LBNL) (until 12:45) (Aula Leopoldina)
11:15 Confronting analytic continuation from imaginary to real chemical potential in Lattice QCD - Francesco Di Renzo (University of Parma and INFN)   (Aula Leopoldina)
11:45 Lee-Yang edge singularties from analytic continuation of scaling functions - Simran Singh   (Aula Leopoldina)
12:15 Influence of dynamical screening of four-quarks interaction on the chiral phase diagram - Michał Szymański (University of Wroclaw)   (Aula Leopoldina)
Lunch Break (until 14:00) (Aula Leopoldina)
Session - Chihiro Sasaki (University if Wroclaw) (until 16:00) (Aula Leopoldina)
14:00 The earliest phase of relativistic heavy-ion collisions - Stanisław Mrówczyński   (Aula Leopoldina)
14:30 Microscopic Encoding of Macroscopic Universality: Scaling Properties of Dirac Eigenspectra near QCD Chiral Phase Transition - Peter Petreczky (BNL)   (Aula Leopoldina)
15:00 Thermal dileptons as a probe of QCD phase structure at high baryon density - Tetyana Galatyuk   (Aula Leopoldina)
15:30 Electromagnetic probes for critical fluctuations of phase transitions in dense QCD - Masakiyo Kitazawa   (Aula Leopoldina)
Coffee Break (until 16:30) (Aula Leopoldina)
Session - Chihiro Sasaki (University if Wroclaw) (until 18:30) (Aula Leopoldina)
16:30 Pseudo-scalar meson spectral properties in the chiral crossover - Owe Philipsen   (Aula Leopoldina)
17:00 Non-perturbative constraints on perturbation theory at finite temperature - Peter Lowdon   (Aula Leopoldina)
17:30 Bottomonium spectral functions in thermal QCD - Maria-Paola Lombardo   (Aula Leopoldina)
18:00 Charm degrees of freedom in hot matter from Lattice QCD - Sipaz Sharma   (Aula Leopoldina)
Lunch Break (until 14:15) (Aula Leopoldina)
Session - Larry McLerran (INT, University of Washington) (until 15:45) (Aula Leopoldina)
14:15 Parity doubling in dense matter - Chihiro Sasaki (University if Wroclaw)   (Aula Leopoldina)
14:45 Non-zero temperature study of spin 1/2 charmed baryons using lattice gauge theory - Chris Allton   (Aula Leopoldina)
15:15 Heavy Flavor Kinetics in HIC - Valeriya Mykhaylova (University of Wrocław)   (Aula Leopoldina)
Coffee Break (until 16:15) (Aula Leopoldina)
Session - Larry McLerran (INT, University of Washington) (until 18:15) (Aula Leopoldina)
16:15 Hydrodynamization of charm quarks in heavy-ion collisions - Stefan Floerchinger   (Aula Leopoldina)
16:45 Thermal quarkonia spectral function in 2+1 flavor Lattice QCD - Dibyendu Bala   (Aula Leopoldina)
17:15 Heavy quark momentum broadening in a non-Abelian plasma away from equilibrium - Sayantan Sharma   (Aula Leopoldina)
17:45 Charm balance function in relativistic HIC - Piotr Bożek   (Aula Leopoldina)
Conference Dinner (until 21:30) (Aula Leopoldina)
Visit to the Museum of the University of Wrocław (until 13:40) (Aula Leopoldina)
Lunch Break (until 14:40) (Aula Leopoldina)
Introducing Elsevier new Journal of Subatomic Particles and Cosmology, ed. Chihiro Sasaki - Chihiro Sasaki (University if Wroclaw) (until 14:45) (Aula Leopoldina)
Session - Volker Koch (until 16:15) (Aula Leopoldina)
14:45 Thermal twin stars - David Blaschke (University of Wroclaw & JINR Dubna)   (Aula Leopoldina)
15:15 Exploring properties of extreme matter with Machine Learning - Lingxiao Wang   (Aula Leopoldina)
15:45 Four types of phase transitions in interacting meson (boson) matter at high temperatures - Dmitry Anchishkin   (Aula Leopoldina)
Coffee Break (until 16:45) (Aula Leopoldina)
Session - Volker Koch (until 18:45) (Aula Leopoldina)
16:45 Thermodynamics of QCD with quarks and
multi-quark clusters - Oleksii Ivanytskyi (University of Wroclaw)   (Aula Leopoldina)
17:15 Simulating collectivity in dense baryon matter with multiple fluids - Pasi Huovinen   (Aula Leopoldina)
17:45 Correlations and fluctuations in a thermal system with exact conservation of non-abelian charges - Ludwik Turko   (Aula Leopoldina)